Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

Batal KIR

Hah, sial. Udah dtg pagi2, nyolong-nyolong bawa motor, gerimis menaungi, dag-dig-dug mo ketemu c ibu. Eeeeh, gag jadiiiii. Huaaa, Bu Latifah gag jd dtg, antara senag dan sedih. Senang karena bebas dari musibah (hehe), sebel karena yaa itu tadi d' atas (OkOk, gw ulang!!). Udah dtg pagi2, nyolong-nyolong bawa motor, gerimis menaungi, dag-dig-dug mo ketemu c ibu. Nah, itu dia, hehe. .

Yaa sudah, seperti sebelumnya, pelarian terbaik adalah nge-net!!!

Semoga nantipulang gag d'gorok ayah, gara2 motor gw bawa kabur!!!
Amiiin ya Allah >_<

Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

Because Of You

If ever you wondered if you touched my soul, yes you do.

Since I met you I'm not the same. You bring life to everything I

do. Just the way you say hello. With one touch I can't let go.

Never thought I'd fall in love with you.

Because of you. My life has changed. Thank you for the love

and the joy you bring. Because of you I feel no shame. I'll tell

the world it's because of you.

Sometimes I get lonely and all I gotta do is think of you. You

captured something inside of me. You make all of my dreams

come true. It's not enough that you love me for me. You reached

inside and touched me internally. I love you best explains how

I feel for you.

Because of you. My life has changed. Thank you for the love

and the joy you bring. Because of you I feel no shame. I'll tell

the world it's because of you.

The magic in your eyes, true love I can't deny. When you hold

me I just lose control. I want you to know that I'm never letting

go. You mean so much to me, I want the world to see it's

because of you.

Because of you. My life has changed. Thank you for the love

and the joy you bring. Because of you I feel no shame. I'll tell

the world it's because of you. My life has changed. Thank you for the love and

joy you bring. Because of you I feel no shame. I'll tell the world it's because

of you

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

Jiaah, taun baru smangat baru :D

Ayo smua smangat!!!
2009 adalah langkah awal menuju kesuksesan.Semua penantian harus tercapai.Smua proyek harus tercapai.Smua penelitian harus selesai (lho?!).Smua pertarungan harus dimenangkan (amin,amin).Change your live at this great year!!!

Ehm, secara gitu d'tahun ini gw bakal nginjek usia, yang kata orang "sweet" bgt, alias 17 tahun.Jhahah.Agak malu juga bakal jadi bukan anak ingusan lagi :p.So berarti ditahun ini juga, gw (harusnya) ikut pemilu!!! Akh, sial pendataan udah selesai sebelum ultah gw k'17!!!
Dan yang paling mendebarkan (halah, lebay!!) gw bakal bikin SIM!!!!
Hore, hore. Secara selama ini susah bgt klo mau bawa kabur motor gara2 gag punya SIM ntu!!
Smoga kesananya lancar,Amin...
Truz,truz, yang paling heboh lagi, ditahun ini gw bakal punya KTP alias Kartu Tanda Penduduk, bukan Kartu Tanda Pelajar lagi (yang klo disingkat jadi KTP jugag!!).

Hmmmm, jadi tahun ini bakalan so great and interesting bgt buat gw!!!!
Smoga kalian juga yah ^,^

Sibukh is No Time for Enjoy

Mulai Senen besok gw dah mo mulai penelitian buat KIR . Ayo smangaaat!!!
Smoga berhasil, doakan ya, doakan. .

Mmmm, skrg nie w lagi kangen bgt sama seseorang d'sana. .
Keep holding on!!!!!!!!!